Friday, February 22, 2008

No more crappy Presidents!

I hope it is between Obama and McCain. That's it...Can't stand Hillary...Didn't trust Romney...and honestly, Huckabee only has the Christian thing going and a few catchy phrases...I want a President I can look to that I know can actually do the job of a President. I wouldn't hire a high school drop out with limited work experience to run my company but who talks a good game. Why would I choose someone to run my country who doesn't have what it takes to lead a nation just because he used to be a minister? What about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? They used to be ministers? How bout them?

I want a good President. No, I want a great President!

I hope this fires up someone.

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Pretty sure it's going to be Obama...and he is better than McCain and, I guess that's not too bad! :)